Below are two new promos…TeenNick’s promo for Need You Now Pt. 2, then a generic TeenNick promo for the rest of Season 11.5. I swear I saw MuchMusic’s promo for Need You Now Pt. 2 immediately after last night’s episode, but no one ever posted it on youtube.

TeenNick – Need You Now Pt. 2

TeenNick “New Beginnings” Promo

Instead of rolling my eyes at the end of that New Beginnings promo, I figured I’d just share a tumblr post that I found from, that even though it’s about Imogeli it kinda sums up the thoughts on a majority of the show’s relationships (even though I don’t really ship anyone anymore):


I am just so fucking irritated with the Degrassi writers at the moment.

After the huge Imogeli let-down on tonight’s episode, the preview of next week’s episode (with Imogeli already on the rocks), AND the Fimogen/Eclare action in the new promo, it’s almost like they didn’t even try with Imogeli. I just feel like they didn’t even make a fair attempt at letting an Eli relationship other than Eclare work out. Everything was super rushed and secretive. We didn’t get any kind of build-up or details to this ship. I could completely accept Eclare and/or Fimogen (although I hardcore ship Fadam) if the Degrassi writers actually gave a fair shot at Imogeli and it not end up working. I’m not complaining about the cute screen time Imogeli has gotten so far. I think they’ve had some adorable moments! But in all reality, it took the ship less than 10 minutes to already be in danger.

Just.. DAMN Degrassi writers, would it kill you to try a little harder? So many people requested a great storyline to an Imogeli relationship when Stohn asked on Twitter what we wanted to see in season 11.5. I’m sorry I’m ranting and I’m not trying to put down other ships such as Eclare or Fimogen. I just wish Degrassi writers gave the relationship and fans a little more integrity, chance, and respect. Because as a fan of the show, I feel like one of my many ships isn’t being taken seriously.


Sigh, I don’t even know what to think right now about Eli’s plot…you’ve got a story about a biploar meltdown with great elements in it, with the existence of a unbelievable couple hanging over it all.  And then we get things like this:!/stephenstohn/status/185136525397340160

Yes, we all know what they’re doing…it’s their job to promote and hype the show. But at the same time I’m sitting there thinking “What’s the point?” Imogeli is touted as a major couple, but it turns out they’re just a means to an end for other couples to unite. I just don’t know. My head hurts, lol.

Posted by Kary


  1. I don’t even care about Fimogen(only the hot make out scenes), Eclare, or Elimogen(sounds better than Imogeli). I’m just happy Drianca might be getting back together!



    1. blackdeclan4497 March 31, 2012 at 12:31 pm

      i think drews best girl (for him) was bianca



  2. blackdeclan4497 March 31, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    i wonder if imogen is even into fiona or if she just wants to please everyone



  3. Well, I have a few problems so far in Season 11.5.

    What the hell changed? I personally loved Now or Never, and maybe even liked it more than the Boiling Point. But after Dead and Gone Part 2, things haven’t seemed the same, really.

    Notably, this is probably due to the fact that the seniors from Now or Never are gone (this is killing me on the inside.) At first, I was a little bit hesitant about the new niners, but so far, they have pleased me. What isn’t pleasing me is that over summer, it seems like every character evolved into a completely different person. We didn’t like Eli because he ran all the time and stole cheesecake…we liked Eli because he was different, and was possibly one of the greatest additions to the cast that show has had in years. He was different, had balls, and was just straight up awesome. Now, we see him just as some guy who thinks he is Mr. Universe and the cheesecake burglar.

    Now, onto the rushed feeling of every episode. Really, the only episode I have loved in New Beginnings so far was Not Ready to Make Nice. Reminded me of a Now Or Never episode, and we got the Clare we know and love back. The other episodes were okay, I guess, but they are all lacking something that I cannot place my finger on. I know that every episode feels as if it is rushed as hell. Need you now Part 1 felt as if all we saw was Eli trying to get into Imogen’s pants.

    The writing has also been strained lately. It just seems like the storylines are tedious and boring. I know I’m probably going to get hated on for saying it, but the writing is just bizarre! I have no words to explain how the writing is weird now, it just is.

    I just pray that ratings rise and writing improves next season. The ratings are extremely low right now, even for Teennick, and the show is obviously in the danger zone. I’ve been watching the show for years and hope it never ends, but if things don’t pick up soon, I feel as if the end of Degrassi is extremely close, as in, Season 12 close.



    1. You are right the writing is wonky. Degrassi is starting to be like an afternoon soap opera and nobody getting laid, murdered or coming back from the dead. Maybe if Eli had sex with Imogen the ratings may have gone up. Many fans are so upset that the show is becoming more unrealistic anfd rushed.



    2. I agree.



  4. now, this comment will not just involve me ragging (:

    By the looks of the New beginnings promo, things are FINALLY working out the way they should be! Bhandurner is back! Eclare is back! Please writers make Fimogen work! And yesssss Drianca!



    1. ” And yesssss Drianca!”




  5. Wait…. what the hell is Eli “going to find”?????



    1. the 640 million dollar question



  6. First of all, I don’t understand how people can ship Fadam. That’s one of the unhealthiest relationships we’ve ever seen on the show. Fiona was drunk whenever she was with Adam, and she was only into him because of his female body. What was the appeal?

    Anywho, onto 11.5. One of my biggest problems, personally, has been the fact that many of our leading characters are such recent additions to the show. Katie, Marisol, Jake, Imogen — these kids were introduced as juniors, but they had very little development in the first half of the season. And now they’ve been bumped up a year (their FINAL year), during the second half of the *same* season in which they were introduced! So the writers are pushing them 1. because the former seniors are gone and these kids need to fill their shoes, and 2. these kids are going to graduate soon enough, and they need to be fleshed out before they’re gone. But consider the former senior characters: Holly J, Anya, Riley, Sav…most of them had already been around for about 3 years (Holly J/Sav/Anya: season 7, Riley: season 8). They already had plenty of depth, and we were emotionally invested in their plots because we cared about them long before they reached their final year.

    What do we really know about Jake? Imogen? Marisol? Katie? We know them on very superficial levels. Jake is outdoorsy. Marisol is a bitch. Katie is driven. Imogen is Hot Topic quirky. Katie, Jake, and Imogen were introduced as plot devices, so there was never much need to develop them independently of the characters whose stories they were involved with. Katie maybe a little less so than the other two, but I think she was mostly introduced to mess with Drianca.

    Because these characters have not been developed properly, the writers have been forced to throw them into these rushed relationships and friendships. Like I stated last week in my comments about NRTMN, I like the Fimogeli friendship, but it just doesn’t feel organic to me. They don’t jive as naturally as Fionanya J. (Fiona/Anya/Holly J) did, because they haven’t had enough time to develop as friends. To me, they always seem like they’re reading from a script, whereas with Fiona, Anya, and Holly J., I never got that impression.



    1. “First of all, I don’t understand how people can ship Fadam. That’s one of the unhealthiest relationships we’ve ever seen on the show. Fiona was drunk whenever she was with Adam, and she was only into him because of his female body. What was the appeal?” Agreed. After “When Love Takes Over,” I couldn’t understand the mania over them.



    2. Bless you Nina. Bless you.



  7. i’m sorry, but did anyone throw up a little when they saw Marisol and Mo kiss? I mean COME ON, THAT’S JUST YUCK



    1. Regarding the Moisol, uh I mean Maro,

      Reminded me of when JT went out with Paige. Paige didn’t want anyone knowing that she was going out with JT.



  8. Do the people behind these TeenNick promos seriously think these are good? Honestly.

    With that said, Bhandurner brings me so much joy.

    I despise Imogeli, but if the writers were going to pursue this relationship, the least they could’ve done was make a decent case for it.

    After the strange ways Eli’s character’s has been written lately, it finally felt like we were watching him last night. However, it was so bizarre to me how touchy-feely Eli was. It didn’t feel like him. I don’t know if it’s a result of Eli desperately wanting to have a normal relationship, not getting laid since Julia, or bad writing, but it felt a bit off. However, I do commend them going with the idea that Eli wants to be treated like everyone else. It reminded me how Craig said people stopped treating him like how they used to when they found out he was “crazy.” Oh, and the return of my favorite bromance and Bullfrog trying to be a good parent were wonderful.

    Why is Kenna just owning everyone in the sincerity of their story lines lately? And I remain skeptical of Jenake happening.

    I don’t dislike Zig or Tori like a lot of people seem to already. Honestly, I feel indifferent to them. They don’t inspire love or hatred in me. They’re just there being an uninteresting couple together.



  9. I love when the promo voice says “And some will go where they alwaysed belonged” because I do think Eli and Clare belong together and Eli was never supposed to be with Imogen, they are too similar. I just hope Drew and Katie don’t break up because Drew should be with a girl who won’t get him into trouble and also I’m waiting for there to be a Bianca-KC-Marisol love triangle, I don’t know why but it want it to happen. And the Mo and Marisol relationship has just been written in to show Marisol has a soul by dating a bigger guy or show she has no soul when she insults him saying she doesn’t want to date a fat guy.



    1. I don’t think there is going to be a Marisol/Mo relationship. The description for the show is that they are put together to work on a project and Marisol thinks he likes her and doesn’t know how to deal with it. It says so on Wiki.



      1. Did you not see them kiss? She obviously has some hidden feelings for the guy.


  10. As much as the writers aren’t even trying to make Imogeli work, I don’t think they’re right for each other, anyway. They both live in their own heads too much. Together, they’d be too nutty a combo.

    I think they both need partners who can temper their quirkiness, and ground them more, which is why I’m looking forward to the return of Eclare and Fimogen. Still wish we could have seen Fimogen develop more as friends before Fiona was bitten by the love bug (a la Palex), but oh well!



  11. Imogeli is even more boring than Emma and Kelly. I’ve watched the episode twice now and just cannot stay focus. Same on the Tori plot…It’s just boring me. The only one I was at all interested in was the KC plot, and unfourtantley it hardly got any airtime.



  12. I completely agree, with the EClare clip at the end of the new beginnings promo having been teased for a couple of months now, it’s hard to get into Fiona/Imogen, knowing that Eli’s romantic life in this season will be defined to how Clare answers his question about getting back together, almost a sure sign that he broke up with Imogen.



  13. Am i the only one that starting fist pumping when i saw Eclare??? AWHHHH YEAH. Recently loving Fimogen though i hate how they’re changing Imogen’s charactar so much! But still.. Eclare.. gh5oihbopi54gio4



  14. I totally called Mo and Marisol a week or two ago. I said they should be together since everyone(the fans) hates them. Woo! lol



    1. I don’t think people really hate Mo. He was hilarious during the first part of Season 11 and was only a dick for that one episode.



  15. Mo and Marisol would look cute together. Marisol is probably the only “bitch” character that I’ve liked from the beginning whereas Paige, Alex, Holly J and Bianca had to GROW ON me over time. It’s weird.



  16. Its kinda like when they gave the description and made it about Ali and Mo, Ali and Marisol have a lot in common except that we love Ali :P I think it might be cool to see this though… I know a ton of people who have liked people who are sociably acceptable in their group of friends… its like a legit real highschool issue… itll be interesting to see how she deals with it… hopefully she is not the BIGGEST bitch about it…



  17. All you Eclare shippers need to wake up. Eli’s bipolar is not under control as we thought. He is paranoid and delusional because many negitive things triggered it. Bullfrog sudden disciplinary actions, Imogens portrait, Fiona bringing up his mania and so on. Eli pawned his dads guitar for Imogens new camera. I think Eli pawned it because he was pissed at his dad. Eli like Imogens art but that touched a personal level in Imogen too and scared her. So why do you think Clare wants to back to that?? I am sure they love each other but do you want Clare to be afraid of Eli all the time. Eli was trying to take control of his and Imogens relationship. that little quote that he said to Adam spooked me a bit. ‘Shes my girlfriend she should be with me’ in an angry tone. Also note Imogen is a freespirt and an artist who sees things differently. There is Clare who is independent also religious spirtually. These type of people will have a difficult time dealing with Eli because he wants to take care of his girl who is always dependent on him as he wants to be the controller. This is pretty normal for people who are bipolar. So if The Degrassi Writers have Eclare get back together they are setting the worst example about mental abuse due to mental illness. I hope Ecalre do not get back together



  18. ALSO has anyone else realized the major personna shift in Eli? and it’s not because he’s bi-polar. when Eli first came on the show he was this very dark, sinister emo boy who rarely went out of his way to talk to people…. now he has become a relatively social, cool, sarcastic kid who doesn’t rock black colours anymore but instead leather jackets. it’s weird to see his entire aura do a complete 180. it’s like turning marilyn manson into ian somerhalder. lol. obviously people change as time progresses, especially on degrassi, but I feel like since the start of 11.5 we’re dealing with a completely NEW Eli. I barely recognize him anymore. I can’t even imagine this new Eli telling Clare she has “pretty eyes” in the way that he did the first time she met her in season 10. Eli has become like…..another version of Drew if he wasn’t popular and was more sarcastic.



    1. he met her* + if he wasn’t AS popular*

      yikes, should’ve looked over that paragraph



      1. shut up


      2. omg, im sorry. i thought it was some other person that was trying to correct you. aha


  19. I am getting very irritated with Degrassi so much that I may stop watching it. I have watched it since it first came back out, and it has never been this bad when it comes to relationships. Eli and Imogen’s relationship (if that’s what you want to call it) is the worst. & I am not just saying this because I want him back with Claire. They just were thrown together so sloppy! To the point their relationship seems so forced together just to piss off fans wanting Eli & Claire back together and to have a good return for them. I mean last season Eli wanted nothing to do with Imogen and she was stalking him! Now this season comes back & they are best friends now suddenly a couple? What the hell? & It seems they are going to be ending real soon already and here comes Claire. Jake & Jenna were another two that were just all of a sudden. Then we never even see anything between Drew & Katie! We never even get to see anything going on with couples like we did in the older shows. It is really getting annoying!



    1. Speaking of Imogen stalking him, are we ever going to find out why she knew all that stuff about Eli ? You know when they were in the Dot and she knew all about Vegas night and him crashing the Morty and Stalker Angel.



      1. It all common knowledge in other words rumors.


    2. “They just were thrown together so sloppy! To the point their relationship seems so forced together just to piss off fans wanting Eli & Claire back together and to have a good return for them.”

      This- it definitely seems forced. They went from the play to Eli apologizing to her before 11.5 started, to being “matched” by Fiona, to now a full-fledged couple. It is rushed, no wonder there are problems so early in their relationship.

      ” What the hell? & It seems they are going to be ending real soon already and here comes Claire. Jake & Jenna were another two that were just all of a sudden. ”

      They were just going casual about it I believe. Then again, I don’t know. I understand the whole going to the mall, but Jake gets a yellow card for inviting Jenna over to his house so soon after breaking up with his girlfriend.

      “Then we never even see anything between Drew & Katie! We never even get to see anything going on with couples like we did in the older shows. It is really getting annoying!”

      Yeah, this too. The piggyback ride was awesome, as was Drew showing his support for Katie during her soccer tryout. Other than that, we see Katie going to the underground mma stuff, but nothing really going on couple-wise after that. Hopefully there’ll be something for them in the coming episodes.



  20. I wish Degrassi would stop focusing so much on relationships. I’ve been rewatching Seasons 1,2,3,4 and I don’t know how to explain it, but it felt like the episodes had a lot more content in them, and each plot followed the other. So far, the episodes this season have just appeared completely distinct, and unrelated. I mean, is it really normal that 6 episodes (or however many) we haven’t caught even a glimpse of Dave/Wes? It doesn’t have to be much, just a screenshot of them being around. Characters did tend to disappear last year, but as the cast was significantly larger, it mattered less.



    1. ^^^

      It never felt so overly relationship heavy as it feels these days (even in the relationship heavy Season 3). It felt like a lot more good plots and natural character development was happening and no one was ever intentionally being an a$$ just for the sake of it like now a days on Degrassi unless it was something we expect from them (like Paige) or it was grown through a conflict (like Emma insulting/being mean to Manny once Manny wanted to be her own person). Now it’s like, we have Mo being mean for no real reason, Marisol being mean for NO reason at all, Katie being mean because Marisol is being mean, Clare being mean to whoever she feels like because she can, and then five minutes later we are suppose to have sympathy for those same characters.

      Degrassi is jumping ship hard for me these days, and don’t even get me started on the randomness that is Fimogen (in short this relationship is just as bad as Charlie and Fiona, the only reason people can ship it now is because instead of the completely unknown Charlie we get Imogen a character who’s been hurt consistently since her arrival on the show)

      //end rant



    2. Dave was at The Dot steal a table from Zig & Maya, lol. Honestly don’t think Wesley is even coming back at all :/



  21. i agree with most of you. Everything is being rushed. i hate that the writers are changing the characters way too much. all the characters that we fell in love with are just unrealistc now. i miss the old degrassi, like season 9. they showed the development of the relationships. i dont understand why they showed us imogeli when they are going to break up the next episode. it just doesnt make any sense. im actually excited to see fimogen. as for eclare, i love eclare i always have and always will but i hope its not like they just get back together just like that. i want to see them spending time together as just friends and they get back together within time.



  22. also, i looked at things about what happens next and i found out that eli wants to be friends with clare. so when we saw the promo where eli asks clare “do you think we could pick up where we left off” he probably ment he was hoping they can be friends again. with that, i think they will show clare and eli being just friends. eli has been through alot and i think he just needs time to ge over every thing and find himself. throughout the seasons eli has been on, it seems that eli has lost sight of who he really is.



  23. I was so caught up in all the other promo stuff that I didn’t realize: is this the first Dave/Alli kiss that we’ve ever seen? Shame it had to come after he already cheated on her (I’m still furious about this, Degrassi writers) -_-



    1. But weren’t Dave and Alli on a break because of her semi addiction? I think without that I don’t think there would’ve been any motive for Dave to feel he needed the attention of some other girl. It felt kind of random, but it’s not shocking or unrealistic. Some people think breaks mean they’re still together and others don’t.



      1. Yea, they were on a break, but I think they had an agreement that they were still somewhat together. That’s why Dave felt so bad about it and told Alli about what had happened. But yes, there’s gray area with that. I’m more mad about the fact that the show has never shown any Dave/Alii physical intimacy until now after they’ve already broken up and that they randomly had Dave have sex with some random girl off camera after he was so nervous about the idea of having sex with Alli. It just didn’t make any sense.


  24. Maybe Eli and Drew finally wake up from their coma in the season 11 final. This might explain the real reason why Degrassi season 11 is so wonky and unrealistic. LOL



  25. i know LOTS of people will hate on me for this, but i loveeee ZORI. they are sooo cute. sorry zaya shippers.

    btw, does anyone have the link to the promo when zig and toris faces are like .30550381819 inches away from each other? lol, thanks guys (:



  26. I think the point is that Eli isn’t ready for a relationship yet. The writers are more focused on fleshing out his character and showing us that he’s still got a long way to go before he’ll be ready to date again, i.e. Bullfrog’s insistance that he hold off for a while. It’s actually quite amusing– the writers ARE taking their time, they’re just not doing it in the romantic sense. I actually find that refreshing.

    And, to be quite honest, Imogen has served one purpose for Eli since she joined the cast: firebrand. She has been the vehicle through which the viewer witnesses the depth of his problems. She’s really more of a catalyst than a girlfriend candidate. Every time Eli thinks he’s getting better…here comes Imogen!! Of course, this time around Fiona had a part in it as well…and I don’t think Imogen is purposely trying to hurt Eli. Especially in the most recent episodes. I think that she doesn’t fully understand what she’s doing to him until it’s too late, which is precisely why they shouldn’t be together.

    As for Eclare– I will always be a fan but I don’t think either one of them is ready to start dating again. Friendship could work…I’d love to see the Misfits together again. :-)



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